Hoy os muestro el resumen de los outfits que os he ido mostrando a lo largo del año y hago una selección de los que más me han gustado a mi. Todavía no tengo ni idea de lo que llevaré esta noche, así que eso lo dejaré para el siguiente post.
Quiero que llegue ya esta noche y que pase el año 2012. Sé que me han pasado muchas cosas buenas, que tengo mil recuerdos bonitos, pero desgraciadamente tengo uno que es lo bastante triste como para enturbiar todos los demás. Este año que se va ir perdí por primera vez alguien, y no fue cualquiera. Ha sido el año más duro de mi vida, y por eso espero que 2013 sea mejor.
No quiero nada para mi en este año que entra, solo espero que a las personas que quiero les sonría la vida, porque se lo merecen todos. Gracias a la gente que ha estado conmigo, a mis padres por la paciencia tan gigante que tienen y por portarse siempre genial, a mi chico por ayudarme, entenderme y comprenderme, es un trozo de pan... Gracias a mis tios y a mi primo por hacerme ver que ante las cosas duras de la vida hay que intentar ser fuerte y tener siempre los brazos abiertos para mi. Gracias a mis amigas, porque aunque sé que aunque no estoy con ellas lo que debiera cuando más las necesité estuvieron ahí, y eso es algo que no se puede agradecer lo suficiente. Gracias a mis abuelos, tios, demás gente que esta alrededor mía dándome fuerza. Sois lo bueno que me llevo de este año.
Y por supuesto gracias a vosotras, mis 367 seguidoras, porque sin vosotras, esto no tendría ningún sentido.
Espero que tengais una noche genial, nos vemos el año que viene ;)
Today I show a summary of the outfits that I have been showing throughout the year and make a selection of the ones I have liked me. Still I have no idea what I'll take tonight, so I'll leave that for the next post.
I want you to come and go tonight and 2012. I know I have spent many good things, I have a thousand memories nice, but unfortunately I have one that is sad enough to disturb everyone else. This year will be lost first one, and it was not any. It has been the toughest year of my life, and I hope that 2013 is better.
I want nothing for me in this coming year, I just hope that the people I love life I smile, because they deserve it all. Thanks to the people who have been with me, my parents for their patience as giant they have and always behave great guy for helping me, understand me and understand me, is a piece of bread ... Thanks to my uncles and my cousin for making me see that before the hard things in life you have to try to be strong and always have open arms for me. Thanks to my friends, because I know that even though I'm not with them it should when we most needed were there, and that's something I can not thank you enough. Thanks to my grandparents, uncles, other people around me giving me strength. You are so good that I took this year.
And of course, thanks to you, my 367 followers, because without you, it would make no sense.
I hope you have a great night, see you next year;)
I want you to come and go tonight and 2012. I know I have spent many good things, I have a thousand memories nice, but unfortunately I have one that is sad enough to disturb everyone else. This year will be lost first one, and it was not any. It has been the toughest year of my life, and I hope that 2013 is better.
I want nothing for me in this coming year, I just hope that the people I love life I smile, because they deserve it all. Thanks to the people who have been with me, my parents for their patience as giant they have and always behave great guy for helping me, understand me and understand me, is a piece of bread ... Thanks to my uncles and my cousin for making me see that before the hard things in life you have to try to be strong and always have open arms for me. Thanks to my friends, because I know that even though I'm not with them it should when we most needed were there, and that's something I can not thank you enough. Thanks to my grandparents, uncles, other people around me giving me strength. You are so good that I took this year.
And of course, thanks to you, my 367 followers, because without you, it would make no sense.
I hope you have a great night, see you next year;)